The objects for which the company is established are:
i. To promote fields of Medical science, Medical research, Medical education, health, charity, social welfare.
ii. To work on health related issues like cancer, aids, heart disease, coronary artery disease, pulmonary disease, trachea, bronchus, lung cancers, adolescent health, drug addiction, stroke, mental health blindness and rehabilitation, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer disease and other dementias, diarrheal diseases, smallpox, tuberculosis, cirrhosis and any other kinds of diseases to provide medicals aid and other any treatment.
iii. To establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, finance support and/ or aid to or help in the setting up and /or maintaining and /or running other institution orphanages, handicapped, widows homes, old age homes, lunatic asylums, poor houses, or other establishments for relief and /or help to the poor, old and infirm people and/ or destitute.
IV. To ensure safe and happy childhood of vulnerable children on streets and rural are as to help them access Protection, Education, Nutrition and Health Care.
V. To provide help to people suffering from Natural calamities such as flood, Earthquakes, motor accidents etc. and to organize relief work in times of flood, famine, epidemic or disaster of any other occasion independently or with collaboration of individual societies or associations or organizations.
VI. To propagate the need for tree plantation / pollution control, renewable energy resources and environmental awareness, agriculture and research and to works for the preservation of environment and sustainable development and to works for the preservation of environment protection and sustainable development.
VII. Works for the safety and wellbeing of animals and saving them from getting extinct to wildlife protection organizations comes under this category.
VIII. To raise public awareness relating to Crime, Corruption, Human Rights Protections, Politics, Government Policies, Bonded Labor, Child Labor, Human Traffic, RTI Activities, Child Related Issues, Ground Dispute, Cyber Crime Issues and all other issues through rallies, seminars, newspaper, magazines, social media, or any legal gathering or by any other mode whether its online or offline.
IX. To provide relief to the needy in areas affected by natural calamities and other emergencies and to organize camp, programme, or any other type of gathering to clean the streets, roads, railway stations and infrastructure of the country with an aim of clean and green India with the help of peoples.
X. To promote national integration, communal harmony, brotherhood, charitable values, literature, science, art, culture, education, public welfare, interest, environment protection, forestation, plantation, waste land management, natural heritage and to work/strive for reducing corruption, poverty, illiteracy, crime and investigation rate in all over India.
XI. To work for the up liftment of the status of unprivileged people of the society state and country.
XII. To undertake all other ancillary/incidental activities to main object of the Company.
XIII. To create awareness and implement various projects on Public Health and Family Welfare
and to organize Awareness Movement for population control ;
XIV. To organize and conduct programme on health, education and sanitation; to prevent epidemics and to arrange for basic facilities
XV. To create public awareness about AIDS and other diseases and to work for preventive measures. Also to promote blood donations and organize camps for the same
XVI. To carry out and implement, for the integrated development of the society, various health schemes/projects \ securing due cooperation from time to time from the Administration
XVII. To carry out various child development projects to provide opportunities for the proper development of children. Also to implement various schemes relating to family welfare nutritiousfoodandhealth,etc.,fortheintellectual,psychologicalandphysicaldevelopment of the children;
XVIII. To promote healthcare research and development
XIX. To perform works of charity for the benefit of medical practitioners
XX. To give, provide and/or render help and assistance to and/or implement any scheme for providing medical practitioners and paramedical staff
XXI. To open, found, establish, promote, setup, run, maintain, assist, support and/or aid or help in setting up and/or maintaining and/or running hospitals Rehabilitation Centre charitable dispensaries, maternity home, child welfare centres, convalescent homes, sanatorium, Schools, Colleges, Old Age homes, Orphanage, Widow Homes and other similar institutions or centers for rendering or proving medical relief and/oraid to the suffering humanity or for research centers and institutions for promotion of research and education for medical science including surgery.
XXII. To provide primary health care to slum dwellers at a nominal cost, if and when required, and to make it accessible to all by providing the same at their doorsteps with particular attention to the child health care, adolescent girls, women and to create health awareness among the underprivileged children, girls , old aged people and women.
XXIII. To provide, assist and to create helpline/helpdesk for secondary and other complicated cases of health problems, networking with various related agencies in the local area and supporting it with whatever is necessary for providing medical aid and guidance.
XXIV. To provide, guide, educate and to create health awareness program and to make, develop, build, promote Health Care Centre for the under privileged public.
XXV. To create awareness about a clean environment, Planned Parenthood, and immunizations of all children against most dreaded communicable diseases and to impart knowledge about health, economical food, proper diet, clean drinking water and improvisation.
XXVI. To work for safeguard, protect the interests, right of all medical professional and medical students, fight for right of doctors and Medical Students across the country.
XXVII. To organize health care ward for the Modern Medicine doctor as well as all health care staff.
XXVIII. To Start run and administered Hospital for better rural and urban health care in India.
XXIX. To run Govt. PHC, CHC and other Hospitals on Public Private Partnership.
XXX. To do work of charity and service aimed at improving health irrespective of race, religion, caste or community in particular.
XXXI. To collaborate with other medical facilities working in the area to ensure
conservation of resources and as wide Public Health coverage as possible.
XXXII. To promote greater cooperation between voluntary and Government Health Agencies by undertaking joint coverage for community health work.
XXXIII. To acquire by purchase, lease, gift, legacy, bequest or otherwise all movable or immovable properties needed for the administration of this Association.
XXXIV. To erect, hire, repair, reconstruct, demolish or remodel buildings of health centers and allied buildings.
XXXV. To enter into arrangements with any Government or authority whether central, state, Municipal, District, Local or otherwise that may seem conducive to accomplish the objects of the Association.
XXXVI. To raise money for any of the above purposes by sale, mortgage or change of all or any property of the company.
XXXVII. To accept subscription, donations for services rendered from with in the country and Abroad, to invest, to lay aside, to deposit in Banks or otherwise deal with the moneys of funds of the Association not immediately required for the objectives of the Association and to subscribe for purchase, acquire, hold, sell, endorse and negotiate in every way all moneys and property belonging to the Association.
XXXVIII. To borrow or to raise funds with or without security in any manner the Association may think fit and to repay the same.
XXXIX. To establish and maintain the functions and services needed to fulfil the aims and objects of the Association and to do or cause to be done all acts or things necessary or incidental to carrying out the objects of the Association and to have perpetual succession by its common seal.
XL. To collect, disseminate and exchange information. To study trends and developments in the health field. To interpret health problems and viewpoints to allied organizations.
XLI. To maintain contact with State and other health agencies for free medical
facilities services of community.
XLII. To represent voluntary health groups in conferring with state-wide organization srelating in one way or another to health work and workers.
XLIII. To present the views of voluntary health workers to legislative bodies, governmental units and regulatory agencies.
XLIV. To conduct seminars, workshops and conferences for health personnel and related groups. To arrange consulting services in the field of accounting, legal liability matters, public relations and others.
XLV. To work towards uniformity in administrative procedures in the field of health.
XLVI. To bring about better understanding between hospitals and health workers in different Government and Voluntary health organizations.
XLVII. To encourage better standards of patient care and extension of general health services of member agencies by advisory inspection or any other means.
XLVIII. To carryout medical relief, disaster risk reduction including rehabilitation work at the time of disaster, emergency and as per need.
XLIX. To do all such other law ful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the above objects.
XLX. To improve better health of community people by linkage development and livelihood promotion, to promote livelihood for better health of women and child, to work for better health services strengthening delivery system through community monitoring and other means, to work for reducing life style disorders.
LI. To work for elimination of Communicable diseases, vector borne disease etc., to work for protecting climate change and promote safe & eco-friendly environment, to organize different courses on health and development issues like diploma and certificate courses.
LII. To work for empowering community women and adolescents for better health care & promotion, to work for rights and entitlements of poor and other down trodden communities, to work for rescue & prevention of trafficked women & children, to promote gender and child rights for better health care, to work for safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene promotion.
LIII. To Promote Medical Education, Public Health, Human Rights and Peace. Ensuring Job finding & Carrier Guidance. Promote Research Attitude among Doctors and Medical Undergraduate Students.
LIV. Promote and Encourage Medical Youth to Help Poor Students for Educational Development through Sponsorship Assistance. To Spread awareness on Mental Health and various other disease in the society. Encourage Public on Organ Donation and Blood Donation. Promote Equality and Equity.
LV. To Organize Medical Camps on Various Health Days. To Promote and advance Ethics of Medical Profession and Strengthen the Doctor-Patient Relationship. Preserve and Protect Political, legal and Industrial Interest.
LVI. To Promote the academic and wellbeing of Medical Practice, Encourage the communication b/w medical profession and community, Strengthening the unity among medical fraternity, Promote Student Election in the Medical college for the betterment of the Fraternity.
LVII. To work on child related issues such as child labour, malnutrition, poverty, illiteracy, child marriage, child trafficking, gender inequality, abuse and violence, child sexual abuse, street children, children living with AIDS, child in armed conflict, girl child, children with disabilities, children affected by substance abuse, birth registration, missing children, children in conflict with law, children without parental care, child health and nutrition, children of schedule caste and schedule tribe families, children in poverty or any other issues.
LVIII. To work for uplifting the status of women in the society. to work against female circumcision and to fight against the victimization of girl/women by anybody in the society on female circumcision or any other related issues and provide help under health & nutrition services for women and children.
LIX. The objects of the company extend to the whole of India